Thursday 27 February 2020

skin texture body morphing-Carrot Monkey

Carrot Monkey
Goblin Shark Monkey Carrots
Colorful Pebbles Durian Fruit Peacock
-I first cut out the fins on the shark
-I fit them the best I could and blended the fins in
-I cut the tail out on the monkey and cut out the tail of the shark
-I put in the tail of the shark
-I cut out the durian Fruit and Multiplied it on the body of the monkey
-I cut out a carrot and put it over the monkey's leg and arm
-I cut out the horn and blended it in withe head
-I cut out the peacock and multiplied the peacock and erased the areas where the eyes and mouth are
-I cut out the animal and put in a new background

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